Bonjour, Paris!
PODER’s very own Tere Almaguer is on her way to COP21 (Conference of the Parties on Climate Change).
She is joining hundreds of front line community and indigenous leaders who are redefining climate leadership! If California wants to continue to lead on climate, impacts in Environmental Justice communities need to be addressed. Tere will be in the good company of allies from California Environmental Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, and Climate Justice Alliance. And together clamoring for the rejection of false solutions like cap and trade, fracking, nuclear power, dirty energy, and forest offsets.
Let em hear you Tere!
For updates be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. And at It Takes Roots website.
#COP21 #ItTakesRoots #JustTransition #NoWarNoWarming #KeepItInTheGround #NoREDD